

take action and claim your succeess.

A. L. Williams, an insurance magnet says "Do not spend your life just dreaming about 'doing it.' A lot of people will try to 'do it.' A lot of people will want to 'do it.' A lot of people will almost 'do it.' But winners will 'do it.' They do what ever it takes to get the job done."

It is good for yours to dream of accomplishing great things in life. But we must know when to snap out of those dreams and turn them into realities. One of Newton's laws of motion says that; " All objects remain at a state of rest until a force is applies."
In other words, nothing moves until we moves it. No wonder someone said, "Do not wait for you ship to com it, swim out to meet it."

Of course, the one thing that stands between us and a bold action is FEAR. Fear paralysis initiative and creates imaginary difficulties. In fact, someone described fear as FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.

Most of the things we fear are things that will never happen. We must be bold. We must take risks. The greatest risk in life is not to take a risk.

Make up your mind today to try again, and again, and again until it works out. I pray that your pursuit works out well for you.

You will succeed!

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