
Tuesday 16 February 2016


Taking courageous step is key but those step must be planned for and strictly adhere to.

It is amazing, sometimes, how quickly the day goes. Suddenly, and before we know it, our time is up. Then we are awakened to the painful realization that we have achieved nothing meaningful while we had time. How sad.

Charles Schwab, the first American to earn one-million dollars a year salary wanted to know how to increase the productivity of executives in his company. He turned to Mr. Ivy Lee, a business consultant, who gave him this advice: "Take a pad of paper, this evening Mr. Schwab, and list the most urgent projects which confront you. Then study the list and number them: assigning number one to the most important job, number two to the next most vital, and so on.

Beginning tomorrow, tackle number one and stay with it until it is finished before you move to number two. Work down on the list. When the day is through, prepare a new list, again assigning top priority to the most important task still undone and so on down the list. Do this every day and after you discover how well it works, share it with your people."

What is it you want to achieve, write it down, follow it through and believe in what you are doing then sky is your starting point if you fear not.

A few weeks later, Charles Schwab sent a cheque to Ivy Lee for twenty-five thousand dollars. And we know why.

To get the best, plan your day. Have a list of things to do, and arrange them in other of priority.

Start this today, and you are likely to get the best out of tomorrow. Write down all the things you want to do tomorrow, today in their other of priority. And when tomorrow comes, pick item one first and stay with it until you finish it.

Do this for a few days, and you will notice that a sence of fulfilment will come into your heart. Fulfillment is the mark of success. It is fulfilling to know that you are doing something meaningful with your life.

Finally pray before you writting your list, ask God for wisdom. And after you have made your list, ask God for guidance and favour. We should make plans, counting on God to help us.

Dear friend,when you do what successful people do, you will succeed the way they succeed.

Good morning and have a wonderful day. Please don't forget to click the join button and share this blog.
You will succeed!!

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